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Kare Clinic Chiropractic & Rehab

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For over a decade Kare Clinic Chiropractic has been utilizing BTE Technologies for advanced physical rehabilitation. BTE has been the leader in Occupational Rehab equipment for more than 30 years and also provides innovative solutions for athletic training and is second to none when it comes to seeking unmatched objectivity in performance training.

BTE’s advanced physical rehabilitation, occupational rehab, and sports training equipment improves chiropractic decision-making, generates measurable outcomes, and enhances the success of the modern chiropractic clinic, occupational rehab practice, and athletic training facility. Elite physical testing and rehab chiropractors, that your will find in both our Grand Prairie and Fort Worth, TX clinics, rely on BTE functional evaluation and rehabilitation systems to deliver quality care and superior results. BTE’s objective, data-driven equipment is backed by expert training to take the guesswork out of your chiropractic care.

If you would like to learn more about Kare Clinic Chiropractic use of BTE Technologies, please call our local clinic for more information. If you would like a diagnostic evaluation and explanation of the BTE options available for your constion, call us now for our next available appointment.